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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Today's Events

     So today we had a critique of our ceramic zoomorphic vessels. Everyone liked mine....yaaaay! They ought to, I spent a whole ton of time on them! 12 hours were spent just carving my owl vessel...and yes that was all in one day(but I guess 4:00 am is technically the next day). Yes, very crazy :P But anyway we got to all walk down to the fireing shed where we started loading the sawdust fireing, which we were fireing our zoomorphic vessels in.                                                                                           
The inside of the barrel. Here you can see a few of the pieces, there are more between the layers of sawdust.

The loading of the sawdust fireing.

One of my zoomorphic vessels! Which is still greenware :(


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. 12 hours???'re way more disciplined than I am. I'm impressed. Way to be a professional at being focused! :D

    All of the pieces look really great though! It seems like a lot of fun.

    What does "greenware" mean and why does it make you sad?

  3. First of all, thank you *takes a bow*. Ha ha ha ha! Yes, mostly it's fun but at times it's just downright frustrating...but for some reason I can't stay away from it :)
    "Greenware" is when a ceramic piece is dry but not yet fired. The reason why I was not too happy about it being greenware is that, if I had it bisqued (the first fireing [ceramics get bisque fired then you apply the glaze, then it is glaze fired]) I could have put it in the sawdust firing that day, instead of waiting for the second sawdust firing. I just like to get things moving, that's all :) And now the owl I spent so long carving is sitting on the bisque shelf and every time I see it somebody has moved it!!!!! Arrrrrrgh! I mean I realize that people probably want to look at it, but it is very breakable at this stage!!!!

  4. ahh, makes sense. Well it looks amazing, so I can't wait to see pictures of it and your owl when they're finished!

    And you should just warn people that your fist might accidentally do punching them in the face if they touch it. Violence is key! ;)

  5. Ha ha ha ha! I think I would probably start laughing like I always do when I am trying to be intimidating and then nobody would listen anyway! Unless I was mad enough to be serious...but then people usually just mock me for being serious. I can just never win!!!!
