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Friday, January 28, 2011

The Intergalactic Rocket Stop and Cafe

I painted this last week, it's not all done yet but I think it's looking pretty amazing!!!!! The image on the top (orange) is the painting, the one on the bottom (blue) is inverted. I thought it was pretty clever of me :) The project was called "the intergalactic rocket stop and cafe" and the story was that we (as the alien) met a human and the human descried earth to us (and perhaps left something from earth behind) and the alien did a painting! Then we were suppose to tell a story about it....which I kind of avoided :S We could paint pretty much anything we wanted to, it just had to have a blue sky. So my reason why the sky was orange instead of blue was that my alien saw everything inverted! I am loving this idea! I have to do more of them :D

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Amazing Pencil Sculptures!

These all are by Jennifer Maestre. You can see more at her website.


This was made from nails. I love how it zipps and unzipps :)

This stuff is amazing! And made from pencils :)

More nails.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Christian Dior Flower Dresses!

I was on YouTube and I found this amazing show and I just had to post it because it inspires me! I think the cellophane is so clever! They wrapped the models the same way you would find flowers in the store!

Here are a few that I really really liked!