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Saturday, January 21, 2012

Food....Pesticide range...localy grown FOOD! :)

I have to say I am a HUGE fan of the amazing food choices in Halifax. I went to the farmers market today....actually both of them. And here's what I got:
I will start on the left: free range eggs!!! In front of that is the natural yogurt (locally made, gelatin free, thickener free and all around amazing), in the back there are my lovely rainbow of carrots (yellow, orange and purple), then there's my $0.75 pumpkin, behind that are my jonagold apples ($4.50 for 5 lbs), then there is my un-homogenized amazing milk! It tastes a lot like the real (right from the cow [with some of the cream skimmed off of course]) milk that we use to get in big pickle jars...mmmm! yum!, behind that is some fresh oatmeal bread,  in front of that is a slice of squash (the orange color is so deep its almost red!), in front of that is a bag of blue potatoes (have not had those since I moved away from home), then in front of those are my three variety's of sweet potatoes and on the end is my lovely wool!
This milk is so amazing it deserves a close up! And when you buy the milk you pay for the bottle, but when you return the old one to get new do not have to pay again for another bottle. It is an exchange program! Love, love, love the bottle! :D

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

My First Attempt at Silkscreening!! Yahoo!

This was it before I removed the all the tape (the white parts are where I did remove some tape).

This is after I took all the tape off!!!! Yaaaay! :) It was suppose to be plaid.....but it does not really look like plaid at all....oooops. Hope my prof does not mind too much :S 

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Pictures!! Yay!

I went to this leather outlet....amazing colors of leather purses! Some day I hope to get a really amazing leather purse...but I am content to make my own right now :) It's really pretty empowering to not feel the need to buy stuff all the time, I feel content. I do not need more clothes. And if I did I could make them (when I have the time of course). It just feels nice to be content. Try it some time, it is great! :D

Okay, these are the amazing colors I was talking about!!! :D

$99...with 25% OFF!! That was a pretty good sale :/

I really liked these ones too :)

Someone was selling lobster for five bucks out of their van, parked in a parking lot....looks shady to me :p

This was in Toronto where my plane stopped before going to Halifax. I love the colors in that plane!

This is about all I saw of Toronto....pretty disappointing really :P I did go into the airport for about 15 minutes though.

Ahhh, arial shots :) I love how there are those cirlces on one side of the river...and on the other side there are weird rectanglular strips.

Oh, this is a better version of the photo above!

This was by Edmonton in the wee hours of the morning.

More by Edmonton.

I think this was by Edmonton too.

The sunset over Halifax :)

Ahhhh, sunsets :D

I think this was the sunrise over Edmonton.

Another sunrise shot.

This was in Alberta before I left...I never realized how pretty Alberta really is :)


A field in Alberta!

Our cat Bunny while I was packing.... *sniff sniff* I miss her already :(

So cute :)
