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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Things I Have Discovered Today, Yesterday and Before That

1. I really hate the smell of pot!!! I feel kind of sick thinking about it. Bleh! (which really doesn't work out too well when you are working in the ceramics studio and a certain group of people come in reeking of it!!! Grrrrrr! >_<  )
2. All work and no play
    Makes the college student an "A"   (I would really like to be sleeping right now)

3.Start on projects right when you get them assigned. Even if you just start a tiny bit of it, chances are you will remember to finish them (take it from me, I had  a summery due today...which I still have to write and email to my teacher, plus I have 200 pages of a book to read for English tomorrow!!!! Ahhhhhghh!!!)

4. College is really hard!!!! And sometimes I think my teachers forget that we are human and we need to eat and sleep now and then. Why is it so hard to get an "A"s?!   >_<

Friday, November 12, 2010

The Life of a Ceramic Owl!

Ceramics has been my life lately. Yes, I have spent so many hours in the ceramics studio, I even dream that I am still there. Ok, I think that only happened when I stayed there till 3:00 am and only got three hours of sleep...but still! It really does haunt me. It has been paying off though I guess. I have made quite a bit of really neat things. But enough of my yakking! I am sorry the pictures are would not believe the effort I exerted to try and rotate them (grrrrr picasa web albums) But on with the pictures!!!!!

Okay I know I said I would stop talking but here is the assignment: To make two zoomorphic or anamorphic vessels. One from a existing ancient vessel and a personal one of your own imagination.

Here is the little guy I picked. He is made from bronze and is 12 inches tall. I made mine to scale.

First step. Getting the basic form.

This is where you imagine the picture I didn't take where there is just the tail attached. Then there would be some progressive shots of him when the feet and eyes are attached and the little mohawk and his ears. Use your imagination people!!!!

After 12 hours of carving.

Aaaaaah! His head fell off! Ha ha! Not really. I cut it off (that sounds cruel!) and I made his head into the lid like the original one.

After the terra sigillata (in one very simplified word it would mean: paint [but it gets fired on and its different then a glaze] ) and copper oxide was applied. It doesn't look that different in the picture, but it really looked quite a bit different.

Yay! Its done! The head got stuck on during fireing, but pulled it off (again with the cruelty!!!).

I had to make these pictures extra big because I love how the different colors are reflected in it!!!!

The lovely inside! Which I also put terra sigillata on.

My lizzard jar turned brown...I kind of liked the grey better. Ah well. I still like it though :)

And here are some bowls I threw on the wheel, and then I painted them. I will soon glaze them as well.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Today's Events

     So today we had a critique of our ceramic zoomorphic vessels. Everyone liked mine....yaaaay! They ought to, I spent a whole ton of time on them! 12 hours were spent just carving my owl vessel...and yes that was all in one day(but I guess 4:00 am is technically the next day). Yes, very crazy :P But anyway we got to all walk down to the fireing shed where we started loading the sawdust fireing, which we were fireing our zoomorphic vessels in.                                                                                           
The inside of the barrel. Here you can see a few of the pieces, there are more between the layers of sawdust.

The loading of the sawdust fireing.

One of my zoomorphic vessels! Which is still greenware :(