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Tuesday, December 28, 2010


So now that I am on Christmas break I have decided that I really need to make myself a backpack. So I was looking for some inspiration on Google image search and I found some pretty interesting pictures!

The dragon backpack! I found it here 

The R2-D2 backpack. I found it here
Or if none of those are crazy enough, you could always get this backpack and pretend you are a armadillo! Ha ha! I found this one here
Needless to say, I probably won't be making any of these anytime soon! But they were so unique I just felt like I needed to share them!

I know this is unrelated....I just really love these shoes! I found the picture here

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Decorating Ideas!

So, we may be moving soon and I have been looking for some decorating ideas that really inspire me. So here are a few I really liked.

I like how they added a pop of bright blue with a easily movable screen divider.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Really Neat Flatware!!!

I love this flatware I found while on google image search! The strange thing is that I was just thinking of making something like this just the other day! Only I was going to make them out of clay, because I don't really have access to a place to cast stainless steel. Here is the website I found this on.

Here are some other things I found on the same page that I really like! I'm storing up ideas for ceramics class next year!!!

Speech bubble plates!

Hauntingly beautifully cups.

Individual fondue pots.

Fairy tale serving utensils.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Almost Christmas Break!!!! Hope I can survive till then!

Well, I guess I have not blogged since Nov 17, that's a pretty long time. I have been sooooo busy lately, there has been a lot more to do then in the first half of the semester. In the first half in one class we had 4 projects and in the second half we had 8! That's double!!! And the reading for English has skyrocketed! And now it seems like the more I have to do, the less I feel like doing! Bleh...if I can survive till the break then I am good :)
Oh and I got a job!!! Yay! At a museum! It's one day a month which is fine with me now that school eats up so much of my time :P

Here is a few things I have done lately:
I had so much stuff to glaze I needed to get a cart to move it all! Most people only have a handful of stuff (hee hee just thought I would add that). This is before it was all fired, I shall have to get photos up of the "after". It's pretty amazing how drastically the colors change! The red stuff on the bottom turned a deep blue-ish green.

Paintings for design! This took way longer then it seemed it would :P

Here is a portrait I have started sewing.

Here is a portrait I did! (yes, its sideways again! This is really bothering me :p)

Here is Bunny! I just added it because she is cute :)

Oh, here is the bird I rescued that hit our window! The cute little thing made a full recovery I am happy to announce :)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Things I Have Discovered Today, Yesterday and Before That

1. I really hate the smell of pot!!! I feel kind of sick thinking about it. Bleh! (which really doesn't work out too well when you are working in the ceramics studio and a certain group of people come in reeking of it!!! Grrrrrr! >_<  )
2. All work and no play
    Makes the college student an "A"   (I would really like to be sleeping right now)

3.Start on projects right when you get them assigned. Even if you just start a tiny bit of it, chances are you will remember to finish them (take it from me, I had  a summery due today...which I still have to write and email to my teacher, plus I have 200 pages of a book to read for English tomorrow!!!! Ahhhhhghh!!!)

4. College is really hard!!!! And sometimes I think my teachers forget that we are human and we need to eat and sleep now and then. Why is it so hard to get an "A"s?!   >_<

Friday, November 12, 2010

The Life of a Ceramic Owl!

Ceramics has been my life lately. Yes, I have spent so many hours in the ceramics studio, I even dream that I am still there. Ok, I think that only happened when I stayed there till 3:00 am and only got three hours of sleep...but still! It really does haunt me. It has been paying off though I guess. I have made quite a bit of really neat things. But enough of my yakking! I am sorry the pictures are would not believe the effort I exerted to try and rotate them (grrrrr picasa web albums) But on with the pictures!!!!!

Okay I know I said I would stop talking but here is the assignment: To make two zoomorphic or anamorphic vessels. One from a existing ancient vessel and a personal one of your own imagination.

Here is the little guy I picked. He is made from bronze and is 12 inches tall. I made mine to scale.

First step. Getting the basic form.

This is where you imagine the picture I didn't take where there is just the tail attached. Then there would be some progressive shots of him when the feet and eyes are attached and the little mohawk and his ears. Use your imagination people!!!!

After 12 hours of carving.

Aaaaaah! His head fell off! Ha ha! Not really. I cut it off (that sounds cruel!) and I made his head into the lid like the original one.

After the terra sigillata (in one very simplified word it would mean: paint [but it gets fired on and its different then a glaze] ) and copper oxide was applied. It doesn't look that different in the picture, but it really looked quite a bit different.

Yay! Its done! The head got stuck on during fireing, but pulled it off (again with the cruelty!!!).

I had to make these pictures extra big because I love how the different colors are reflected in it!!!!

The lovely inside! Which I also put terra sigillata on.

My lizzard jar turned brown...I kind of liked the grey better. Ah well. I still like it though :)

And here are some bowls I threw on the wheel, and then I painted them. I will soon glaze them as well.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Today's Events

     So today we had a critique of our ceramic zoomorphic vessels. Everyone liked mine....yaaaay! They ought to, I spent a whole ton of time on them! 12 hours were spent just carving my owl vessel...and yes that was all in one day(but I guess 4:00 am is technically the next day). Yes, very crazy :P But anyway we got to all walk down to the fireing shed where we started loading the sawdust fireing, which we were fireing our zoomorphic vessels in.                                                                                           
The inside of the barrel. Here you can see a few of the pieces, there are more between the layers of sawdust.

The loading of the sawdust fireing.

One of my zoomorphic vessels! Which is still greenware :(

Sunday, October 31, 2010


What is with girls and shoes? I don't know but I just can't help loving them! Perhaps it is because no matter how fat you may be/get, they still fit. Or it could be that they are just really cute! :) I have hereby decided to not buy cheap shoes again though. A couple weeks ago I wore a pair of pink shoes that I got on sale for $2 (normally about $10) and I wore them from 8:30am to 11:00am and in that short time they managed to wear right though my skin....grrrrrrr! And the sad thing is that from 9:00 till 10:20 I was in a class, so I wasn't even walking for that long....and they were flats(which should make it easier to make them comfortable). Anyway I was at Winners shopping one day and I found the most adorable shoes, which are kind of hard to find but it is possible to find some. But then I noticed they were leather, and they were not lined with some cheap fabric which just ruins the fact that they are leather. They were all leather and they had really good grips on the bottom! Why don't more shoe companies put good grips on their shoes? When you live in a country where ice and snow are possible pretty much any time of the year, you need shoes with grips! And they were a nice slate grey with a mellow yellow trim, so cute!! And they were only $40! But alas...they were a half size too big *sigh* and that was the only pair.  So I just looked up the brand and they go for about $150-$300. So much for that :p Check out the website here if you want to torture yourself....

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Lady of Shalott

The Lady of Shallot - John William Waterhouse 1888
The Lady of Shalott by John William Waterhouse

     In English class the other day we were discussing "The Lady of Shalott", and it has gotten me thinking. My teacher was saying how the Lady of Shalott was like Tennyson himself, how this poem was his way of saying that if he actually were to enter into the world, he would in a artistic sense "die". He was kind of just observing the world, and if he was to join society and all that he would not be able to commentate on it in the same way. And then she was saying something about how people are doomed to continue seeing the world in the same way they always have, if people are negative about things chances are that they are going to continue the same thought patterns. I am not so sure about that, I mean maybe I just hope it is not so... I don't know, I think people can indeed choose to be optimistic about things or not. And things around you do influence your way of thinking.... So watch out who you hang out with!

     Anyway, the point of all this is that she also said that Tennyson as a artist (and artists in general) had a sort of distorted view of the world, just as the lady of Shalott did as she only saw the world through her mirror. And a mirror is a mere reflection, not to mention that the reflection is backwards! She surrounded her self with the web she was weaving and she stayed in her own little world, secluded and alone, that is until she saw Lancelot. But really artists do see the world in a different way, that is what makes art interesting. Each artist has a unique way of distorting reality, I can really see this in action in drawing class. Even though everyone may be drawing the same thing we all draw in very different ways. Some use very strong harsh dark lines, others make it look as though you were looking through the roof, despite us all having our feet firmly planted on the ground and the next person may amplify the halo of light around the subject. We all see differently, that is was makes art interesting. Art is sort of like a window to the mind, you can find out much from it.

     But the thing I really wanted to get to was that I have realized that a lot of artists do indeed see thing very differently, like a old baggy sweater. I would maybe see that as something beautiful, not because of how it looks, but because of how it could look. I can see the wonderful creation that I could shape it into! Most may think its a useless piece of junk, but I can see what they can not. I try to be critical of why I keep things because I am too aware of how I may end up, like my grandma. She has mounds of useless things in her house, but not because she wants to make things from them, no she is convinced that she can sell everything on Ebay for a lot of money. But there is a lady in my art class who kept some barbie texture panels (for doing rubbings) and she was telling me how she kept them because you never know when you may need them ten years down the road! Ten years!???!!! That is far too long, free yourself from the clutter! Please!

My English teacher was saying how it can be both a blessing and a curse. So be careful that you don't keep to much junk!!! NOTE TO SELF: Don't keep a pile of junk! It may fall on you and bury you alive!!! And go get rid of more stuff. Yep!

By the way, this piece is by Tim Noble and Sue Webster :)

Thursday, October 21, 2010


     Yes, it's that time again for us college students :p Midterms. This morning I nearly had a panic attack because they loaded the kilns yesterday, and they fired it early this morning. I saw on the calander that it said today was the firing day, so I was thinking that if I got my pieces done today my stuff could go in....wrong! And my ceramics midterm is on Monday! Therefore I would have been done for, because today was the first day I had glazed anything... leaving me nothing finished for my midterms!!! Yes, I was a little worked up! Okay, I was very worked up! Thank goodness that the midterm is really on Wednesday, leaving me time to have my other stuff fired. Hallelujah I am saved! I was ready to start a really big bonfire to try and pit fire it! But alas, pit fireing is for low fire glazes....mine were high fire. So, I really hope that I make it through this next week....three midterms!!!! AAAAAHK!

Oh, and my friend took me out for a very delicous birthday supper, THANK YOU KAILA!!!

And remember:
So eat some desserts instead of being stressed! Ha ha! I just found this while looking for a picture to use for this post :) Have a great weekend everyone!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

More Pictures!

Here are a few pots that I made yesterday! I think I am getting the hang of it a bit more :)

Friday, October 8, 2010

My Wild Adventures of the Untamed Clay

     Well I survived my first midterm of the year..... I really hope I did well. But since the midterm was in the morning, after it was over I decided to go throw away my stress. Ha ha! My mom came up with that! I thought it was pretty funny :) Anyway after having a pretty bad time of it, I finally decided to just relax and enjoy it. I think the problem was that I was watching some throwing demos on YouTube and they make it look so darn easy!!!! And trust me it isn't all that easy, at least not without a ton of practice :p They just slap a ball of clay on the wheel and whoosh! They just pull it up into a fantastically perfect vase! So, after many failed attempts I decided to just save the bowls if they weren't turned into a collapsed heap of clay.

     The first one was pretty bad (I may just scrap it) it was all lopsided and I sat there for a while scowling at it, as if that would somehow shape up my rebellious bowl into something didn't work. So I gave it another try, this bowl turned out quite lovely! So I tried to make a second one for a set of two. Well, it was going quite well and it was about the same shape and size as the first. Then I decided to use my wire to loose it from the wheel.... Ahhhhhgh! You see, when I started the wheel, one of the handles on my wire cutter got caught on the wheel and flew up and landed on my bowl cutting a nice big chunk out of the side. I decided to also move past this incidence and make another bowl. This one was amazing!!! Oh wow! I was so happy with it I figured that I could leave at that point ( I couldn't bring my self to just quit without having something amazing to show for). You can see the pictures below :) Yay!
Oh, and here is my latest roller stamp. Hooray for buttons!!