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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Things I Have Discovered Today, Yesterday and Before That

1. I really hate the smell of pot!!! I feel kind of sick thinking about it. Bleh! (which really doesn't work out too well when you are working in the ceramics studio and a certain group of people come in reeking of it!!! Grrrrrr! >_<  )
2. All work and no play
    Makes the college student an "A"   (I would really like to be sleeping right now)

3.Start on projects right when you get them assigned. Even if you just start a tiny bit of it, chances are you will remember to finish them (take it from me, I had  a summery due today...which I still have to write and email to my teacher, plus I have 200 pages of a book to read for English tomorrow!!!! Ahhhhhghh!!!)

4. College is really hard!!!! And sometimes I think my teachers forget that we are human and we need to eat and sleep now and then. Why is it so hard to get an "A"s?!   >_<


  1. Agreed! Some guys that used to be in the praise band at my church (ironic) used to show up smelling like pot. It's gross. What happened to you rippin heads off? I thought we had established violence in our daily lives, Janelle...

    bahhhhhh that's lame. When does your semester end?

  2. Ha ha ha! Ripping heads off anything other than my ceramics would most likely get me expelled! But let me tell you, sometimes when I am writing notes and I have a nice pointy pen in my hands and the goons are just being goons...well violence is hard to resist!!! Ha ha! The "goons" is the name this girl in my class came up with, there's this one group of them, when they are by them selves they are not soooo bad, but together....grrrrr! >_<

  3. Oh, and I am not too sure what they are dad thought it sounded like something else, I forget what he thought it may be. But whatever it is, I really do not like it :P
    Oh my last final is on Dec 14, but most of them are this week!! Aaaaaagh!!! When does your semester end?
